"Transactions" of the Indian Ceramic Society (InCerS) - the most widely read quarterly publication in the ceramics field - distributed free of cost to the members. InCerS quarterly publication keeps you on the cutting edge of research & global ceramics developments.
The "Transactions" provides a medium for presentation and publication of original research and review papers as well as news and results regarding research and developments, business information, industrial statistics etc. It contains information on the activities of InCerS and of the ceramic industry in general as well as news about new developments in the field. It also disseminates advance intimation of Seminars, Symposia, Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions etc to be held in both India and abroad.
Membership Directory (online only) This important tool allows you to make contact with more than 2,000 industry and research colleagues, and allow them to contact you.
The InCerS Povides a Forum for establishing good fellowship with peers and groups having common interest.
The InCerS organizes its Annual Sessions in different zones of the country, which are attended by delegates representing industry academia, R&D organizations, ceramic professions, entrepreneurs, equipment and raw materials suppliers, etc, from India and abroad.
The InCerS offers special concessional Registration Fees to InCerS members.
The InCerS publishes, since 1995, Pre-Print Volumes, containing papers presented at the Annual Sessions.
The InCerS Annual Sessions and Technical Meetings as well as the meetings of its Chapters provide opportunities for representatives from industry, academia and R & D organizations to Meet and Share their experiences and discuss achievements and problems.
The InCerS as well as its Chapters organizes frequent meetings, get-togethers, seminars, workshops and exhibitions from time to time to discuss, analyze and focus Topical Themes of Interest to the members.
The InCerS presents various Awards for Best Papers in different areas of science and technology of ceramics published in the "Transactions" or in other reputed Indian journals.
Awards are also given for Outstanding Contributions in the fields of glass and ceramics as well as refractories.
The InCerS organizes several Memorial Lectures delivered by eminent materials scientists. The members have the opportunity to get an exposure to the research and development work being carried out and to the latest state-of-the-art in specific areas.
The InCerS provides an opportunity to Voice Opinion before the whole ceramic fraternity in India.
The InCerS Provides Assistance to its Corporate Members towards testing of ceramic and allied products from CGCRI.