Dr Atanu Ranjan Pal
Chief Technology Officer, Process,
Tata Steel Limited
Banglow No. 6, Park Road
Northern Town
Jamshedpur - 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0|) 9234503539
Email: atanu1@tatasteel.com, atanu123678@gmail.com
Brief CV
Dr. Atanu Ranjan Pal has an impressive 32 years of experience in the Steel Industry.
Prior to his current role as Chief Technology officer, Process, he held various
leadership roles at Tata Steel including Chief Process Research and Chief Product
Research. Throughout his career, Dr. Pal has demonstrated exceptional skills in
operation, project management, research development, and technology management.
Education-wise Dr. Pal has a well-rounded academic foundation including a B.Tech in
Ceramic Technology from Calcutta University, PhD. in Metallurgy and Material Science
from Jadavpur University, and an MBA from XLRI, Jamshedpur.
Dr Pal is actively engaged in professional associations and holds the position of the
Vice President of the Indian Ceramic Society. Additionally, he is also actively
associated with the Indian Institute of Metals, showcasing his commitment to advancing
knowledge and fostering growth in the iron and steel industry.
His areas of expertise encompass a wide range of topics including, high temperature
material development and usage, sustainable process and product development for
steel plant, H2 generation and utilisation, carbon capture and utilisation, carbon capture
and sequestration, underground and surface coal gasification .
Beyond his leadership and academic achievements, Dr. Atanu has made significant
contributions to the industry through his numerous publications in esteemed national
and international journals. Moreover, he holds an impressive portfolio of 15 patents to
his name.

Dr C. D. Madhusoodana
General Manager
Clean Energy Systems Lab,
Metallurgy, Materials & Composites Lab
Corporate Research & Development
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Hyderabad 500 042 (Telangana)
Phone : (040) 23773363
Mobile : 9449052806
Email : madhusoodanacd@gmail.com, cdm@bhel.in
Brief CV
Dr C. D. Madhusoodana is Additional General Manager & presently heading Ceramic Technological Institute (CTI), Corp R&D, Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd (BHEL), Bangalore India. He has over 25 years of experience in R&D on Ceramics & advanced materials. He has contributed to 30 patent applications, 40 papers in peer reviewed journals and more than 50 conference presentations. His areas of interest are Ceramics & advanced materials for clean air, clean water and clean energy.
He has B.E. in Ceramic Technology from PDA college of Engg. Gulbarga and Masters from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Advanced diploma in Chemistry & Chemical Engg. and Doctor of Engineering both from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. He is the recipient of UNIDO fellowship from Alfred University, USA (1992), UNESCO fellowship from Tokyo Institute of Technology (1999) and JSPS fellowship from Japan (2002). He was a visiting scientist at Indonesian Institute of Science (2007) and Institute for Membrane Technology (ITM-CNR), Italy (2012), and a member of Indian Delegation to Germany and invited speaker at Indo-German symposium May, 2014.
He is a Life Member of Indian Ceramics Society, Material Research Society of India & Indian Membrane Society and Member of American Ceramic Society. He is also a Fellow of Indian Institute of Ceramics. He has served as Joint Secretary of InCerS (2012 - 2014), as Chairman of InCerS, Bangalore / Karnataka chapter (2014 - 2016) and as Vice-President of Indian Institute of Ceramics (2016 - 2018). He was awarded with First ‘Pavan Nagpal Memorial Award’ by Indian Ceramic Society, Bangalore Chapter in 2012; ‘D. N. Agrawal Memorial Award’ from Indian Ceramic Society in 2012 for the life time achievement in ceramics; and ‘Malaviya Award’ in 2018.

Dr Sitendu Mandal, FIIC, FASCT
Chairman, The Indian Ceramic Society, Kolkata Chapter and
Chief Scientist and Head
Specialty Glass Division (SGD)
CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, P.O: Jadavpur University
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile: (0) 9432673626, 9830587856
E-mail: sitendum@cgcri.res.in, sitendum1965@gmail.com
Brief CV
Mr Sitendu Mandal, Chief Scientist & Head, Specialty Glass Division and Project Planning and Business Development Division as also In-charge, Publicity and Public Interface Cell, CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, obtained his MSc degree from Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal with specialization in Inorganic Chemistry. During his tenure of 31 years at CSIR-CGCRI, he played a very key role in research and developmental work in the field of glass science & technology, especially in the areas of optical glass technology, specialty optical glass, ultra low expansion glass-ceramics, low expansion ceramics, etc. His current research activities are in the areas of high density radiation shielding window (RSW) glass for radiation protection in nuclear hot cell and specialty borosilicate glass frit / bead for nuclear waste immobilization wherein technology development and commercialization have been the main focus. While the radiation shielding window glass is being produced in pilot scale at CGCRI for catering to the need of DAE, the technology of specialty glass beads has been successfully transferred to an industrial partner for commercial production and supply to DAE’s units. He is the key person for indigenous production of RSW glass and borosilicate glass bead for nuclear waste immobilization in our country. He has taken an ambitious target to produce RSW glass in specialty refractory crucible instead of platinum crucible for DAE.
The activities of Mr Mandal resulted in development of appropriate technology, development of product (strategic material), generation of knowledge base in the form of technical papers, patents, reports etc. He has published 15 papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings and filed 4 patents in India. He has also prepared more than 15 reports / documents for restricted circulation and delivered more than 12 invited lectures in several national and international conferences, workshops, etc.
Mr Mandal is the recipient of several prestigious awards, viz. CSIR Technology Award-2018 under the category ‘Innovation’, SKOCH Order of Merit Award 2017 for top 30 Skoch Transformational Innovation Projects in India, “Certificate of Merit” CSIR Technology Award for Innovation 2017, Best Technology Award for the three successive years (2013, 2014 and 2015) given by CSIR-CGCRI, NRDC Meritorious Innovation Award 2013, Malaviya Award 2004 given by the Indian Ceramic Society, CSIR-DAAD Scholarship for 16 months for the block year 1994-95, and many more.
Apart from his visit to Germany under CSIR-DAAD fellowship, he also visited Prague, Czech Republic to attend the 23rd International Congress on Glass (ICG 2013); Montpellier, France to attend the 6th Workshop in Glass Science and Technology (July, 2014) organized by International Congress on Glass; Boston, Massachusetts, USA to deliver a presentation at the 25th International Congress on Glass (ICG 2019).
He is a Life Member of several professional societies, viz. Indian Ceramic Society (InCerS), Indian Institute of Metals (IIM), Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), Indian Science Congress Association, Indian Institute of Ceramics, Indian Science News Association and Electro Microscopic Society of India. He is also a Fellow of Indian Institute of Ceramics and West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology. At present he is also the Chairman of InCerS, Kolkata Chapter. He was an Executive Committee Member of IIM for the year 2017-18 and 2018-19, and a Council Member of InCerS for the term 2017-2018. Apart from these, he is also affiliated to numerous scientific/technical committees of national/international level in various prestigious positions and holds honorary positions of various committees at CSIR-CGCRI.

Dr Subrata Panda
Assistant Professor
Department of Ceramic Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)
Banaras Hindu University>
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Mobile : 8861545884
Email : subratakolkata76@gmail.com, pandas.cer@iitbhu.ac.in

Professor Parag Bhargava
Professor, Dept of Metallurgical
Engineering & Materials Science
IIT-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Phone : 022-25767628 (O)
Mobile : 9869131017
Email : pbmatsc@gmail.com, bhargava@met.iitb.ac.in

Mr Shankha Chatterjee
Technical Manager (India, SEA, China)
Almatis Alumina Pvt Ltd
Kankaria Estate, 2nd Floor
6 Little Russel Street
Kolkata 700 071
Mobile : 9830171133
Email : shankhach@gmail.com, shankha.chatterjee@almatis.com
Immediate Two Past Presidents

Mr Sudipta Saha
(President, Tile Operations & Business Head -
Industrial Products Prism Johnson Limited
H&R Johnson (India) Division)
Neelkanth Residency-I, Flat no. 1503
Sector 46A, Nerul, Seawoods
Navi Mumbai 400 706 (Maharashtra)
Mobile: (0) 9689940260, 7777027370
E-mail: saha.sudipta@hrjohnsonindia.com,
Brief CV
Mr Sudipta Saha is an enterprising leader with strong analytical, problem solving and interpersonal skills and proficient in spearheading Business with innovation.
After completion of B.Sc. Honours degree in Chemistry from Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, he did B.Tech in Chemical Technology specialization in Ceramics from Science College, University of Calcutta. He is National Scholarship holder since Secondary Education and throughout the Higher Studies.
A professional with proven success of over 29 years, witnessed, participated and has taken the lead role at different levels and functions to raise the Ceramic tile industry from mere 4x4 inch white double fired glazed tile to 48x96 inch vitrified or porcelain glazed tile. Foreseeing the implied needs of society, he did not restrict himself to this level and added the implied dream of functionality into the tiles like Germfree tiles, Antistatic charge tiles, Water repellent tiles, Scratch-free tiles, Anti-stain tiles, TAC tiles, radiation shielding tiles, Cool roof tiles and lot more.
He is having strong knowledge of R&D of porcelain and ceramic tiles and its backward integration for preparation of its critical raw materials like Ceramic glass frits, soluble salts, ceramic stains, inkjet coloursetc which earns huge revenue in terms of import substitution and selling.
During working as the Business Head of Industrial Products & Natural Resources Division business has improved many folds and brand name “Endura” became very popular in industrial ceramic raw material segment.
Presently, he is working as President Operations, Heading Operations of all its Tile manufacturing plants at different locations of H&R Johnson (India).
He has received several prestigious awards: Prof. Sasadhar Ray Memorial Award in the year 2014 for contribution in white ware Industry and Dr Madan Gopal Bhagat Award in the year 2015 for contribution in Ceramics & allied fields. He has been appointed as Research Council Member by Director General CSIR, New Delhi for CSIR-CGCRI. He is associating with different reputed R&D Institutes in country in their Research Advisory board. He is Life time Fellowship of Institute of Ceramics, India.
Other than professional industrial life his personal subject of interest is to learn and understand Vedanta philosophy, various spiritual thoughts and listening music.

Dr Lalit Kumar Sharma
Retd. Chief Scientist & Scientist In Charge
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
Khurja Extn Centre
G.T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile: (0) 9412227619, (0) 9810044600
E-mail: lksharma6@rediffmail.com, lksharma6666@gmail.com
Brief CV
Dr Lalit Kumar Sharma obtained his M.Tech (Materials Tech) and Ph.D. degree in Ceramic
Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi in 1984 & 1989 subsequently. He did his short term course
on managerial skills for Technical Personnel from NITIE, Mumbai. He developed Nitride bonded
Silicon Carbide Refractory Products thru Vibro Pressing, Multitampering, Slip Casting and Solid
casting techniques for non-ferrous industries, Honey-Comb Cordierite Kiln Furniture for Ceramic
Tableware industries, Energy Efficient Ceramic Coatings, Refractory Castables & monolithic,
Energy Efficient Kilns development, Low Thermal Mass Refractory Kiln Furniture Designing,
Development of Ultra Low Density Refractory Granules, Development of Alumina Heat Sinks for
LED Bulbs, Ceramic Cook wares development and establishing common facilities centers in
different regions of India for Terracotta Potters. He implemented 5S, ISO-9000, ISO-14000 and
Best Safety Practices in manufacturing sector. After serving industry till 2004, he moved to CSIRCentral Glass & Ceramic Research Institute-KC, Khurja as Scientist-in-Charge in 2004. He is
presently Chief Scientist and Scientist in Charge. He got a prestigious Project sanctioned from
GMKRIT for training in terracotta field for CGCRI-NC, Ahmedabad under his Scientist-in-Charge
period in 2019.
Dr Sharma has delivered Technical and Managerial skills lectures in IITs, NITs,
Universities (Gulbarga, Meerut, Kanpur, BHU, Indus, Nirma & Thapar), Management Institutes
(BIMTech, G.L Bajaj Institute of Management & Business School of Delhi), Govt. Polytechnics
(South & North India), Industries (Tata Steel, Tata Chemicals, DCM, Kajaria Ceramics, Bharat
Potteries, Clay Craft, Bikaner Mines Association, Orient-Bell, NTPC, PCRA, KVIC, Asian
Ceramics & Ceramics Asia Shows & Sun Earth Ceramics). He visited Spain for technology
transfer, China (as Leader of UNIDO delegation), Japan for invited lectures in Kurashiki,
Yokohama National University and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Thailand for invited talk from
Thai Ceramic Society, USA for Invited talk from The Am Ceram Soc (Daytona Beach), NASA
(Cleveland), Ohio Aerospace Institute (Cleveland), Argonne National Laboratory (Chicago) and
MS&T (Salt Lake City).
Dr Sharma is the Former Chairman of White-ware Committee of Bureau of Indian
Standards, Former Vice President of Indian Institute of Ceramics, Former Chairman of Global
Corporate Achievement Award Committee of The Am Ceram Soc, Former Jt. Secretary and Vice
President of the Indian Ceramic Society, Life Member of ICS and AIPMA.
Dr Sharma is the recipient of several prestigious awards: Global Star Award of The Am
Ceram Soc, Global Ambassador Award of The Am Ceram Soc, Industrial Service Award of
Rotary Club of India, Shubham Shree Award in U.P State, Professor Sasadhar Ray Memorial
Award to CGCRI-KC and recently Corporate Environment Achievement Award of The
Am.Ceram.Soc for CGCRI-KC forward energy field for 2020 (First Ever Award to India).
Dr Sharma has so many research & technical publications in Scientific & Engineering
Journals as well as has published 7 books for Whiteware industries. His team efforts on Energy
Saving Aspects for Ceramic Industries were published in the form a Book by PCRA- Ministry of
Petroleum & Natural Gas in 2013. He and his team has established Common Facility Centers for
Potters in Khurja, Bareilly, Bijnor and Varanasi in U.P, Garhfuljhar, Surajpur and Narigaon in
Chattisgarh, Sasaram in Bihar. One CFC is approved to be established in Agartala-Tripura and
Bhadrawati (Maharashtra). He has established following in the CGCRI-KC campus:
* DST Centre for Waste Utilization & Minimization
* UNIDO Energy Management Centre & Pottery Glass Design Centre
He is presently Chairman of Indian Ceramic Society - Western U.P. Chapter (Till Mar,
2021), Chairperson of India Chapter of The Am Ceram Soc, Fellow of Indian Institute of Ceramics
and President of Indian Ceramic Society (2021-22).

Professor Amit Patra
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone: (542) 2368106, 2368427
Email: director@iitbhu.ac.in

Dr Ashutosh Kumar Dubey
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Ceramic Engineering
IIT-Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Mobile : 8726823415
Email : akdbhu@gmail.com, akdubey.cer@iitbhu.ac.in

Prof. Bikramjit Basu
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : 9482570341
Email : dir_office@cgcri.res.in, director@cgcri.res.in, bikram.iisc@gmail.com,