Proceedings of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Indian Ceramic Society (14-February-2006)

An Extraordinary General Meeting was held on December 28, 2005, at 2.00 p.m. at the "Rajendra Vidyalaya", Tapti Road, Jamshedpur. The Meeting was Chaired by Dr. V. N. Vaidya, President of the Society. The President observed that he would like to take up all the items together proposed for amendment, instead of taking decisions, item by item. He added that the Meeting had been especially convened on receiving request from several Members suggesting for amendments of some provisions of the Constitution.

While the President repeatedly asked for opinion of the Members, who were present in adequate numbers for the quorum; none offered any specific suggestion over the proposed amendment. Accordingly, all the different items of the amendment were adopted unanimously.

The President thanked all the Members present for their support in conducting the Meeting and carrying out the amendment as desired by the Members.


Article No.   Existing Provision   Revision Proposed   Remarks
9.1 The Council : the Council shall consist of :
  9.1 The Council : the Council shall consist of :
(a) All the Office Bearers, namely, President, Vice-President, Hony Secretary, Hony Jt Secretary, Hony Treasurer and Hony Editor.   (a) All the Office Bearers, namely, President, Vice-President, Hony Secretary, Hony Jt Secretary, Hony Treasurer and Hony Editor.   (a) No Change.
(b) All the Past Presidents.   (b) Immediate two (2) Past Presidents.   (b) Change.
(c) Sixteen (16) other members elected by the members of the Society having right to vote [vide Article 6.2].   (c) Twenty-Seven (27) other members elected by the members of the Society having right to vote.   (c) The number of Elected Members from different zones have been increased and the number of Ex-Officio Members with voting rights have been reduced.
(d) Two (2) Representatives, namely, the Vice-Chancellor and Head of the Dept of Ceramic Engineering of the Banaras Hindu University (under agreement dated 11th November, 1949).   (d) Two (2) Representatives, namely, the Vice-Chancellor and Head of the Dept of Ceramic Engineering of the Banaras Hindu University (under agreement dated 11th November, 1949).   (d) No Change.
      (e) One (1) Representative, namely Director, CGCRI or his nominee.   (e) Addition.
      (f) The Past Presidents other than the immediate two (2) Past Presidents shall be Emeritus Members (without voting rights). The immediate Past Secretary and Chairmen of all active Chapters shall be invitees in all the meetings of the Council.   (f) Addition.
13.1 All the sixteen (16) Members of the Council of the Society shall be elected by Postal Ballot by the members of the Society (with voting rights) according to the procedure and mode described in Bye-Laws.   13.1 All the Twenty-Seven (27) Members of the Council of the Society shall be elected by Postal Ballot by the members of the Society (with voting rights) according to the procedure and mode described in Bye-Laws.   13.1 No procedural change.
13.1.1 Zone wise Distribution of Seat :
The distribution of 16 elected members as stated above will, as far as possible, be made in a manner so as to cover the various spheres of activities of the Society and also different zones of the country. The exact distribution will be decided by the Council and will be made known to the members while inviting nominations for election to the Council.
13.1.1 Zone wise Distribution of Seat :
The distribution of 27 elected members as stated above will, as far as possible, be made in a manner so as to cover the various spheres of activities of the Society and also different zones of the country. The exact distribution will be decided by the Council and will be made known to the members while inviting nominations for election to the Council.
However, the Zonal distribution (in proportion as of today (August 20, 2005) is as follows :

Zone                   Existing                   Proposed
East                     Six (6)                      Ten (10)
West                    Four (4)                   Six (6)
North                   Three (3)                 Six (6)
South                   Three (3)                 Five (5)

13.1.1 No procedural change.
13.2 The Office Bearers shall be elected by :
(a) Sixteen (16) newly elected members of the Council;
(b) All the Past Presidents;
(c) The Six (6) retiring Office Bearers; and
(d) Two (2) representatives (namely, Vice-Chancellor and Head of the Department of Ceramic Engineering) of the Banaras Hindu University.

Any member eligible to stand for election of Office Bearers shall not contest for more than one office.
13.2 The Office Bearers shall be elected by :
(a) Twenty-Seven (27) newly elected members of the Council;
(b) Immediate two (2) Past Presidents
(c) The Six (6) retiring Office Bearers;

(d) Two (2) representatives (namely, Vice-Chancellor and Head of the Department of Ceramic Engineering) of the Banaras Hindu University; and
(e) One (1) Representative, namely, Director, CGCRI, or his Nominee in the Council.

Any member eligible to stand for election of Office Bearers shall not contest for more than one office.
13.2 Change due to above proposals.