Honorary Members
Honorary Member : The Honorary Members shall be persons who may or may not by themselves be members of the Society and who by virtue of their outstanding contributions to subject of interest to the Society are elected to such membership by the Council.
The Honorary Members shall be exempted from the payment of Annual Subscription and Registration fee at Annual Sessions of the Society. They shall be entitled to receive one copy each of the periodic publications of the Society but shall not hold any office of the Society.
Honorary Members who shall be elected from some category or others of the members of the Society shall continue to have voting rights and those elected from outside the Society shall have no voting right.
There shall be a Committee for electing Honorary Members which will consist of five (5) members, two of whom must be past Presidents of the Society. The President shall be the Chairman. This Committee will be responsible for recommendation to the Council the names of person or persons suitable for such recognitions and for framing rules in this regard from time to time for consideration of the Council. Every member of the Society shall have the privilege of proposing the name of one person for election to the Honorary Membership.
* Their number shall be decided by the Council.
Honorary Members of the Indian Ceramic Society
The Indian Ceramic Society completed its' 95 years of its existence on the 15th April, 2023. During this long period the Society adequately served the community by promoting friendship and co-operation among those who are engaged in manufacturing of ceramic products, teaching of and research in ceramics or in any way related to ceramics and interested in the advancement of knowledge. During this period the Society decided to express their professional admiration by bestowing honorary membership to the following distinguished persons.
Honorary Members, no more with us
Late K. D. Sharma
He was a reputed glass technologist, Ex-Director Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata and past President of Indian Ceramic Society.
Late Baidya Nath Samaddar
The honour was given to him in recognition of his dedicated contribution in research and education in the field of Ceramics and his active involvement in the activities of the Society which helps the Society to boost up its image.
Late G. K. Bhagat
The honour was given to him for his achievement and contribution in upgrading the Bengal Pottery, the legendary name in the field of white ware ceramics. Even in those days, he adopted modern technologies and implemented cost saving measures by installing producer gas plant to operate furnaces. For improving quality of products he employed foreign and Indian experts and were able to supply high quality tablewares in every corner of India, East Pakistan and Pakistan. The trained Indian human resources could set up a chain of whiteware industries in India. He had immense contribution in instituting the ‘M. G. Bhagat Memorial Lecture’ by the Indian Ceramic Society. In many occasions he invited reputed foreign speakers at his own cost to deliver the lecture.
Late G. M. Agarwal
He promoted Ferro Coatings & Colours Ltd, Joka, West Bengal in collaboration with Ferro Corpn, USA in the year 1965. He made a pioneering venture for the manufacture of enamel frits, glaze frits and ceramic colours, commercial production of which started since 1967. M/s Sahaj Cerchem Pvt Ltd, Agra having product range of ceramic frits and glazes, colourants and zircon opacifier was also set up and owned by him. He had world-wide experience in modern technology for production of vitreous enamel, glazes and colours which he acquired during his numerous foreign visits. He had established following awards and lecture: (a) Sahaj Memorial Lecture to be delivered on any subject of Ceramic Science & Technology in every alternate year at Annual Session of Indian Ceramic Society. (b) Sahaj Memorial Award for the best student of BHU of the year to be awarded at Annual Session through AIPMA. (c) Sahaj Memorial Award for the best student of Indian Institute of Ceramics of the year to be awarded at Annual Session through Indian Institute of Ceramics.
Late Dr Sachchidananda Kumar (1957)
He is a distinguished scientist who is the 1st Indian to obtain DSc degree in technology from Sheffield and was the President of 14th International Congress on Glass. He is also an Ex-Director, Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata and past President of Indian Ceramic Society.
Late Mr B. N. Ghosh
This honour was given to him for his achievement and contribution in the field of science, technology and application engineering in refractory. He has immense contribution in instituting the Refractory Technologist Award by the Indian Ceramic Society. He had been instrumental to open the Jamshedpur Chapter of the Indian Ceramic Society which grew strength to strength under his dynamic leadership and it could achieve ‘Best Chapter Award’ for three times and organized the Annual Sessions for six times at regular intervals.
Late Dr B. V. S. Subba Rao
This honour was given to him for his distinction to establish ceramic discipline and setting up a permanent accommodation for exclusively ceramic R&D with adequate infrastructural facilities for processing, shaping and testing advanced ceramics at DMRL, Hyderabad. He has immense contribution in electronic, magnetic and special ceramics which could find application as strategic materials and high and low power application (electro ceramics and steatite).East Zone
Dr Dibyendu Ganguli
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
ARADHANA (Flat No. 4B)
51 Kayasthapara 3rd Lane
Kolkata 700 078
Phone: (033) 24841743 (R)
Mobile: (0) 9831258070
Email: dibganin@yahoo.com, dibganin@gmail.com
Brief CV
This honour was given to him in recognition of his international achievements in the field of sol-gel science and technology. He has very long association with the Indian Ceramic Society particularly as the Honorary Editor as well as Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board of the ‘Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society’ which helped to improve the quality of this quarterly publication and to achieve a citation index. His immense contribution towards organizing the international conference in the series, ‘High-Tech Aluminas and Unfolding their Business Prospects’, will be highly remembered.
Mr S. K. Ghosh
Managing Director
India Potteries Ltd
91 Lenin Sarani
Kolkata 700 013
Phone: (033) 22457941 / 22444492 (O)
(033) 23373101 / 23373567 (R)
Mobile: (0) 9830056470
Email: ipltd8@yahoo.in, samiramita7@gmail.com
Brief CV
He is a past President of the Indian Ceramic Society and made significant contributions for development of ceramic industry in India. In recognition of his contribution for introducing coal fired system for manufacture of H.T. insulators and his immense contribution to popularize the H. T. insulators production, he was awarded the prestigious ‘D. N. Agrawal Memorial Award’, of the Indian Ceramic Society. He led Indian delegates number of times abroad to get exposure to H. T. insulators production and manufacture of white ware ceramics. He did outstanding work as Chairman of ‘Bengal Chamber of Commerce’ and CAPEXIL to promote the ceramic industries in India. He organized trade fair for many years to enhance export of ceramic products. He contributed significantly for education of ceramic science and technology. He contributed significantly to offer Associateship of the Indian Institute of Ceramics which is equivalent to 1st degree in ceramics to the ceramist who could not study ceramic engineering.
Professor H. S. Maiti
Project Adviser, Govt. College of Engg and Ceramic Technology, Beliaghatas
Former Director, CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata
Former INAE Distinguished Professor
Residence: Neo-Nine; Flat: D1
216A Kalikapur Road
Kolkata - 700099
Mobile : +919433009241, 9831667184
Email : hsmaiti2009@gmail.com
Brief CV
Professor Himadri Sekhar Maiti was born on 28th October, 1947 and finished his schooling in a
village school in the state of West Bengal. He obtained Bachelor of Engineering degree in
Metallurgical Engineering from the then Bengal Engineering College, Shibpur in 1969. Later he
obtained his M. Tech and Ph. D degrees from IIT, Kanpur in the years 1971 and 1975 respectively
with specialization in “Ceramics”.
Mr Amit Kumar De
Past President, Indian Ceramic Society and
Second Floor
33A, Pratapaditya Road
Kolkata 700 026
Mobile : 9830066190, 9831143377
Email : amitde01@yahoo.com
Brief CV
At present, Mr Amit Kr De is attached with A.K. Industrial Corporation as a President. The
company handles technical and management consultancy in Ceramic industry. Also, presently
Mr De is an active member of IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) of the Govt. College of
Engg. & Ceramic Technology, Kolkata. He has been a distinguished alumni of the then College
of Ceramic Technology (Bengal Ceramic Institute), having been graduated in Ceramic
Technology from the University of Calcutta.
West Zone
Dr E. C. Subbarao
Chief Consulting Advisor (Research)
Tata Res Development & Design Centre
54-B Hadasar Industrial Estate
Pune 411 013 (Maharashtra)
Mobile: (0) 9859065686
Email: ec.subbarao@tes.com
Prof. A. R. Kulkarni
Emeritus Fellow
Department of Metallurgical Engineering
& Materials Science and Associated Faculty
Centre for Research in Nanotechnology & Science (CRNTS)
IIT-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Phone : 022 - 25767636 (O)
Mobile : 9820068463
Email : ajit2957@gmail.com, ajit.kulkarni@iitb.ac.in
Brief CV
Professor A. R. Kulkarni (b.1957) obtained his Ph.D. in Materials Science from IIT-Kharagpur in 1984. He has done his Ph.D. on “Lithium Ion Conducting Glassy Solid Electrolytes in the LiF - Li2O-Al(PO3)3 System” under the supervision of Dr H. S. Maiti and Prof. Amal Paul. He joined IIT-Bombay as a Faculty Member in 1987. He was the Institute Chair Professor at IIT Bombay from August, 2011 to June, 2022. Presently, he is the Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Metallurgical Engg and Materials Science and Associated Faculty, Centre for Research in Nanotechnology & Science (CRNTS), IIT-Bombay. Prof Kulkarni has a distinguished academic career and has also been a recipient of Humboldt Fellowship. Prof. Kulkarni has contributed immensely in the field of Glass and Ceramics. He has made significant contributions in the teaching and technology development of Ceramics and glass technology. His areas of specialization and research interests include the following:
Solid Electrolytes: Sensors and Batteries, Ionic Conductivity: Glasses, Polymer Gels,
Nano materials: Synthesis -green chemistry and electrical properties of CNT -polymer nanocomposites, Nano Phosphors and UV filters for Cancer protection
Electro Ceramics:
Dielectric Ceramics and Thin Films, Glass-ceramics, synthesis-structure- property correlations in materials
His fundamental contributions include Ion dynamics in disordered materials through mechanical and electrical relaxations. Prof. Kulkarni was awarded prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship University of Augsburg in 1997. He was the visiting Professor at IMRAM, Tohoku University Sendai in 2005-06.
He has developed ammonia sensors based on Polymer electrolytes, Infra-red transmitting glasses, electronic ceramics for underwater application, multilayer capacitors and Polymer gel electrolytes for batteries. Prof. Kulkarni has eight patents on ion conducting materials for batteries and sensors, electro-ceramics and defective ZnO quantum dots. He has over 150 publications in International Journals. Prof. Kulkarni has over 30 years teaching experience and taught several materials science and engineering courses to undergraduate and post graduate students and has guided more than 30 Ph. D. students and has completed a large number of sponsored projects. He has supervised 50 M.Tech Thesis. His current interest includes materials for electrical properties of materials, lithium batteries, impedance spectroscopy for materials characterization and environment friendly ferro and piezo ceramics.
Prof. Kulkarni is a Fellow of the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences and member of National Academy of Sciences. He has received several prestigious awards - received IIT-Bombay Research Paper Award in 2012 for a high impact research publication. He has received Deokaran Award by the Indian Ceramic Society on Glass for the best paper published in the Journal of the Indian Ceramic Society. He has delivered 32nd M. G. Bhagat Memorial Lecture of the Indian Ceramics Society in the year 2019.
He is a life member of the Indian Ceramic Society and efficiently served the Bombay Metropolitan Region (BMR) of the Society as Chairman since 2017 to till date. He has been very active in the Society in organizing many events.
South Zone
Dr R. G. Shah
Sraddha Temple Trees Apartment
Flat 303, No. 17, 5th Cross
Rustum Bagh
Behind Manipal Hospital
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone: (080) 25291511 (R)
Mobile: (0) 9900141561
Email: rajababushah18@rediffmail.com
Brief CV
The honour was given to him in recognition of his outstanding research contribution in the modern aspects of graphite ceramics/carbon composites as well as transfer of technologies to ceramic industries. His dedicated contribution in upliftment of image of the Society to a flourishing direction is appreciable. Under his dynamic leadership the Bangalore Chapter grew strength to strength and it could achieve ‘Best Chapter Award’ for four times and organized the Annual Sessions for five times at regular intervals.
Mr M. M. Murugappan
Vice Chairman
Murugappa Corporate Board
‘Parry House’, 43 Moore Street
Chennai 600 001
Phone: (044) 42216789 (O)
Email: mmm@cumi.murugappa.com, cumigeneral@cumi.murugappa.com
Brief CV
The honour was given to him in recognition of his outstanding contribution in developing high performance ceramics and management skills as a Chairman in transforming CUMI into process-oriented and cohesive organization. During the 72nd Annual Session of the Society at Jaipur, he delivered the first ever Indian Ceramic Society ‘Special Lecture’, which magnetized the delegates of the Session.
Prof. Chaitanyamoy Ganguly (Padmashree)
(Adviser to DG, Mentor & Distinguished Professor
Dept of Nuclear Science & Technology
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum Univertisy, Gujarat)
703 Caladia, The Botanika
Gachibowli (behind Platina)
Hyderabad 500 032 (Telangana)
Mobile: (0) 8008222016
Email: chaitanya.ganguly@gmail.com, chm_ganguly@yahoo.com, chaitanyamoy.ganguly@pdpu.ac.in
Brief CV
He is an Indian nuclear scientist and a former Head of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), credited with many innovations in the field of nuclear material science. He was honored by the Govt of India, in 2002, with the fourth highest Indian civilian award of ‘Padma Shri’. He is a former Director of Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute. He is a past President and life member of the Indian Ceramic Society and a past President of the Powder Metallurgy Association of India. He was made the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and he stayed at the post till 2004. He is an elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc), National Academy of Sciences, India (FNASc), Indian National Academy of Engineering (FNAE), Institution of Engineers India (FIE), etc. He has received the VASVIK Industrial Research Award, Indian Nuclear Society Award, IIM Kamani Gold Medal, IIM Binani Gold Medal and many more prestigious aawrds He has received the National Metallurgists Day Award of the Ministry of Steel and Mines, Govt of India.
Dr K. G. K. Warrier
(Retd Chief Scientist and Emeritus Scientist, CSIR-NIIST)
UGC Adjunct Faculty and Ceramic Consultant
T.C 15/1183 EVRA - 241
Krishna Vilasom Road, Cotton Hill
Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram 695 014 (Kerala)
Mobile : 9447115280
Email : kgkwarrier@gmail.com
Brief CV
Dr Krishna Gopakumar Warrier is the former Chief Scientist and Head, Materials Division of
CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST),
Thiruvananthapuram till January 31, 2012. He was also the Head, Planning and Business
Development in CSIR-NIIST. He continued in CSIR-NIIST as CSIR Emeritus Scientist and
Professor Academy CSIR till 2015. Earlier, he was DAAD Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Max
Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany (1985) and was visiting Scholar in Argonne National
Laboratory, USA (1998). Even after retirement, he still continues his contributions in ceramics
through advising research students, reviewing PhD theses of students from India and Abroad,
expert member of research councils and as a ceramic consultant. He obtained PhD from the
University of Kerala and joined the Regional Research Laboratory (presently renamed as CSIRNIIST) (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) as scientist in 1978.
Dr A. L. Shashi Mohan
(Past President, Indian Ceramic Society)
Partner, “VIPRA”
164/A, 24th Cross, 6th Block
Jayanagar, Bengaluru 560 070 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26647696 (R); (080) 41310834 (O)
Mobile : 9448468642
Email : vipra3@gmail.com
Brief CV
Dr A. L. Shashi Mohan (b. 1950) obtained his M.Sc. in Chemistry from Bangalore University and Ph.D. in Solid State Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai.
He started his career as CSIR Scientist at IIT-Bombay and worked there (1974-77) in the areas of electronic and thermal ceramics. In 1977, Dr Shashi Mohan joined Grindwell Norton Ltd as a founder member of their R&D Centre at Bangalore. During his 22 years (1977-1999) at Grindwell, he had held various managerial positions in the R&D Centre and Technical Ceramics Division. He made significant contributions in the development & commercial exploitation of several newer abrasives & ceramic products. He was a founding Partner in “VIPRA” – a Materials Technology firm offering Technical Consultancy as also dealing with Development & Manufacture of specialty abrasive & ceramic products for customized applications. A Life Member of The Indian Ceramic Society (InCerS), Materials Research Society of India and, Aluminium Association of India and, a Fellow of Indian Institute of Ceramics, Dr Shashi Mohan was a member of DST-PAC on Materials, Mining and Mineral Engineering for 12 years. He has published more than 25 research papers, made 15 conference presentations and, has 4 patents to his credit. He has published / presented more than 25 research / review papers in national & international journals / periodicals. Dr Shashi Mohan has been an active member of the Bangalore Chapter. During his tenure as Hony Secretary (2000-02) and Chairman (2004-06), the Bangalore Chapter received the Best Chapter Award (2001, 2002, 2006 and 2008). He was also the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 71st Annual Session of InCerS held on January 9-11, 2008 at CPRI, Bangalore that was a highly successful one. He received prestigious ‘Prof. M.D. Narasimhan Memorial Award’ in the year 2022, instituted by the Indian Ceramic Society - Karnataka Chapter (ICSKC) jointly with the Department of Ceramic & Cement Technology, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi for his outstanding contribution in the field of Ceramic Engineering & Sciences.
He was the past President of the Indian Ceramic Society (2011-2012) and made significant contribution for the sustenance and growth of the Society. His immense contribution towards the promotion of the Indian Ceramic Society will always be remembered. Throughout his career, he was closely associated with the Ceramic fraternity, various organizations and registered societies of Ceramic and allied fields. He has devoted his entire career toward betterment of Ceramic Science & Engineering.
Shri A. D. Manohar
(Retd Scientist-F, Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory)
Flat No. 301, Amrutha Apartments
Plot No. 75, Vinaynagar, Saidabad
Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24075977 (R)
Mobile : 9949144193
Email : manoharad44@gmail.com, ajitmanohar@yahoo.com
Brief CV
Shri Ajit Dattatraya Manohar (b. 1944) obtained his BE (Metallurgy) from University of Pune in 1964 and postgraduate diploma from IIT- Bombay in 1965.
Shri Manohar joined DMRL, Hyderabad in the year 1978 as Scientist of their R&D Centre at Hyderabad. During his 26 years (1978-2004) at DMRL, he worked on 7 projects- silicon carbide, boron carbide, composite armor, ceramic cores, investment casting. His specializations are includes the following:
- 1) Synthesized beta silicon carbide and boron carbide and conducted sintering studies,
- 2) Carried out ballistic trials on ceramic armor
- 3) Developed process for fabrication of preformed ceramic cores
- 4) Tested ceramic specimens
- 5) Optimized wax injection process for gas turbine blades and vanes
- 6) Supplied products to various organizations like Midhani, NPOL, GTRE etc.
- 7) Designed investment casting plant for HAL, Koraput under MOU between DMRL & HAL.
- 8) Installed investment casting section at NFTDC.
He is a life member of the Indian Ceramic Society and efficiently served the Hyderabad chapter of the Society as Secretary for 20 years. He has organized 2 international, 7 national seminars and national seminars in Hindi for DRDO for 3 years and 25 lecture seminars for Hyderabad chapter. He has published 112 issues of magazine “Ceramics Selects” over 29 years’ period. He has delivered 10 invitation lectures and presented 15 contributory papers. Apart from these, he has published a textbook in Marathi for Maharashtra Textbook production Board. He has contributed chapters for tech books and memorial volumes published by Hyderabad chapter. He has published 50 papers & 14 papers in Hindi. He has received prestigious Dr Subbarao Memorial Lecture Award in 2023. He has also received Certificate of merit for best paper from Instt of Engrs.
Prof. F. D. Gnanam
(Retd Professor, Dept of Physics, Anna University)
36/10 Perumal Koil First Street
Kottur, Chennai 600 085
Phone : (044) 24451722 (R)
Mobile : 9444961622
Email : gnanamfd@yahoo.com
Brief CV
Professor F.D. Gnanam (b.1944) graduated from the University of Madras in Physics and obtained his Ph.D. degree from the same University in 1981. After serving in Government Colleges for 10 years, he joined Anna University in 1980 and retired from service on superannuation in May 2004 and presently he is a ceramic consultant.
Professor Gnanam initiated research activities in the area of ceramics at Anna University, developed it into a centre of excellence and became the founder Director of the Centre for Ceramic Technology, Anna University. To his credit Prof. Gnanam was the recipient of ‘Life Time Achievement Award 2004’ for his contribution to ceramic education in India and to ceramic R&D by the Indian Refractory Makers’ Association, Kolkata; President, Indian Institute of Ceramics, Kolkata (2001-2002); Member, Editorial Board of the ‘Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society’; Head of Indian delegation of Indo-Japan Seminar on Advanced Ceramics held at Nagoya, Japan in July 2000; JSPA Fellow, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya (September –November 2002); Visiting Professor, Osaka University, Japan (May-August 2001); Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow, Germany three times (1984-85, 1987-88 and 1999) . Prof. Gnanam has guided 20 scholars leading to Ph.D. degree, edited one book on “Sol-Gel Processing of Advanced Ceramics”, published 141 research papers in the international journal, handled more than 16 research projects and has organized 12 international/national conferences. His research areas of interest are: sol-gel processing of oxide ceramics, bioceramics, ceramic membranes and utilization of Tamil Nadu clays for value added products.
Professor F.D. Gnanam was well known for his exceptional contributions to the field of ceramics and his unwavering commitment to academic excellence and innovation. He is a distinguished scholar and a leading personality in Ceramic field. He has significantly advanced the field through his groundbreaking research which has been widely recognized and cited by peers globally. His work on advanced ceramics has not only provided profound insights but also paved the way for new methodologies and applications that have benefited both the academic community and society at large. In addition to his research achievements, Professor Gnanam has demonstrated exemplary dedication to teaching and mentorship. He has mentored countless students and junior researchers, many of whom have gone on to make significant contributions in their respective fields. His ability to inspire and cultivate the next generation of scholars is a testament to their passion for education and their outstanding pedagogical skills.
Furthermore, Professor Gnanam has actively engaged in numerous collaborative research projects and interdisciplinary initiatives. His leadership in the Department of Ceramic Technology, Alagappa College of Technology, Anna University which involved partnerships with academic institutions and industry has showcased his ability to drive impactful collaborations and foster innovations across different sectors.
He was the past President of the Indian Ceramic Society (2007-2008) and made significant contribution for the sustenance and growth of the Society. His immense contribution towards the promotion of the Indian Ceramic Society will always be remembered. Throughout his career, he was closely associated with the Ceramic fraternity. He has devoted his entire career toward betterment of Ceramic Science & Engineering.
Dr. K. Muraleedharan
CSIR Scientist Emeritus
Flat 3C, Sarang Homes, Vishraam Builders
East Kuttankulangara Lane
Punkunnam, Thrissur 680 002 (Kerala)
Mobile : 9868203255
Email : muralee15oct@gmail.com
Brief CV
OS & Former Director, CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata
CSIR Scientist Emeritus
Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET)
Dr. K. Muraleedharan obtained Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering from BHU-IT (now BHU-IIT) in the year 1994. He was the Post-Doctoral Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA from 01st July 1995 to 31st October 1997. He joined DMRL, Hyderabad as Scientist (Group head) in 1984 and promoted to Group Head & Project Leader in the year 1997. Being a Scientist in DMRL during October 1984-January 2011, he served in different capacities which are as stated below:
- Head, Electron Microscopy (1989-2010)
- Project Leader, DMRL (1995-2010) Specialty Steels for Naval Applications
- HRD Coordinator (2005-06), Head, Materials Management (2010)
His research interests include the science and design of advanced materials, and multi-scale microstructural characterization using techniques such as transmission electron microscopy and 3D atom probe field ion microscopy, as applied to the study of electronic materials and solid-state phase transformations. His research at DMRL and CMU concentrated on the process-structure-property relationships in a variety of materials systems such as alloys based on Ti and its intermetallics Ti3Al and TiAl; specialty steels; Ni base superalloys; high energy rare-earth permanent magnets; and ceramic matrix composites. At DMRL, he was the leader of an activity to advanced steels for naval applications. It was under his able leadership that the electron microscopy facilities at DMRL developed into a world-class facility. At DRDO headquarters he coordinated the activities of materials cluster laboratories of DRDO. He has provided advice and insights into materials related activities of DRDO.
During his entire career, he has made significant R&D contributions and hold the following important positions:
- Research Associate: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, 1995-1997
- DRDO: Member, GFAST (DRDO Think tank), April 2003-April 2005
- Director of Materials, DRDO, New Delhi (January 2011 - August 2015)
- Director: CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute, Kolkata during August 2015-October 2020 and was engaged in shaping the technological frontiers of CGCRI for strategic and societal missions in areas such as Fibres for lasing, sensing amplification, optical and laser glass, missile radomes.
- Director, CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur during March 2016-February 2017
- Director, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata during December 2019-September 2020
- Mining, Minerals, Metals and Materials (4M) Theme Director, CSIR during 2018-2019
- CSIR Scientist Emirates, CMET, Thrissur since January 2021 onwards
He has achieved several prestigious awards / recognitions in his life :
- * Young Metallurgist’s Award from Ministry of Steel and Mines, Govt. of India and IIM, Kolkata in the year 1992
- * Best Paper Award : Bull. Mater. Sci., 1999 by Materials Research Society of India
- DRDO Agni Award in 2005 (for Development of Naval Steels)
- DRDO Agni Award in 2007 (for Development of complete ‘Ore-to-Product Cycle’ for Ti metal)
- He was awarded Engineering Personality by IEI in 2012
- Distinguished Alumni Award, Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, BHU, Varanasi (2013)
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Electron Microscope Society India (EMSI) in the year 2020
- He has delivered the most prestigious '28th M. G. Bhagat Memorial Lecture' organized by the Karnataka chapter of the Indian Ceramic Society in 2015.
He is the Fellow of Electron Microscope Society of India (2011); Vice President (2011-2013), President (2013-2015), Chairman, East Zone Chapter (2015 onwards). He is the Fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology (WAST), 2016, Fellow of Institution of Engineers India (IEI), 2017.
He was the Council Member of Indian Institute of Metals during 2015-19, Executive Committee Member, Committee for Asia Pacific Societies for Microscopy (CAPSM)-2017-2021 and Co-Chairman, Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress, APMC-12, 2020.
He was the past President of the Indian Ceramic Society during 2019-2020 and made significant contributions for the sustenance and growth of the Society. His immense contribution towards the promotion of the Indian Ceramic Society will always be remembered. Throughout his career, he was closely associated with the Ceramic fraternity, various organizations and registered societies of Ceramic and allied fields. He has devoted his entire career toward promotion of Ceramic Science & Engineering.
In recognition of his lifetime achievement and dedicated service to the Indian Ceramic Society, the Honorary Membership committee recommended his name to be an Honorary Member of the Society.
Foreign Zone
Dr Mrityunjay Singh
Chief Scientist, Ohio Aerospace Institute
NASA Glenn Research Centre
MS 106-5, Cleveland, OH 44135 (USA)
Phone: (216) 4338883
Email: mritunjay.singh-1@nasa.gov, m.singh@juno.com, GlobalATS@gmail.com
Brief CV
He is a Chief Scientist at Ohio Aerospace Institute, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He was the first Indian President of The American Ceramic Society (2015-2016). He has been actively involved in various activities related to processing, manufacturing, integration, joining and attachment technologies, and characterization of advanced ceramics and composites, ultra high temperature ceramic composites, lightweight cellular ceramics, and high conductivity composites and foams for thermal management applications. He has also worked extensively on developing in space repair technologies for the thermal protection systems of the space shuttle orbiter. He is a member of the Board of Governors of Acta Materialia, Inc. He is an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, Italy, and Fellow of the American Ceramic Society as well as ASM International and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is the recipient of more than fifty national and international awards, honorary doctorate, and many honorary professorships including four R&D awards, FLC Technology Transfer award, NASA Public Service Medal, and Silver Snoopy Award. He has authored/co-authored more than two hundred fifty publications, ten reviews and book chapters, edited/co-edited more than fifty books/proceedings and journal volumes, holds several patents, and various technology transfers to industries.